Sunday 25 October 2009

Guinea Worm

This week was really affected by photogrpahs from Ben Stirton depicting the ravishes of Guinea worm.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Naked for Climate Change in Copenhagen

Sunbathers took to the Streets of Copenhagen this week for Climate Change and for project

"When the whistle blew, the green and white towels were spread out and the clothes were dropped! The sudden happening came as some surprise to the many bystanders who stared in amazement as the 50-something people between 11 and 71 years of age who apparently enjoyed lying on the square, naked in 9 degrees celsius."

Filmed beautifullly by Soren of @KADAVER

"The world’s climate issues need to be approached with creative thinking and alternative means. According to the city and the people of Copenhagen that also applies to the way we communicate the message." ~ Soren

I have been really inspired by the energy of this team. Søren Bo Steendahl and crew, recently drove an ambulance from Copenhagen to Sierra Leone to raise awareness for the needs of the Masanga hospital there. Their projects to bring about social awareness and highlight injustice are original and sustainable. People who TRULY affect change...

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Best Inovation I've seen in Years.

Support the poor and Marginalised via the Iphone
~from Samasource/GIVEWORK

"Samasource and Crowdflower present Give Work, their new iPhone application. Give Work lets you support refugees in Dadaab, Kenya—the world’s largest refugee site—in minutes by completing short, on-screen tasks. The refugees are training to complete these same tasks and, by volunteering to tag a video or trace a road, you will generate money to support their training as well as valuable data to help focus future training programs."

Samasource derives its name from the Sanskrit word sama, which means equal. Their mission is to reduce poverty by connecting people to dignified, computer-based work.

View a video of their project work here

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Help Needed

Lesego Semenya
is 21 years old, from Johannesburg, South Africa
Grew up in Soweto, South Africa, through the peak of the freedom struggle. Lived through the defeat of Apartheid and has been writing since 12 years of age.

Help needed

I heard her cry last night

Her tears drowned by drumbeats

She doesn't even fight

Her body used to atrocities

What is one more wound?

She's had millions before

What can some more pain do?

Murderers have run through her door

I saw her dying last night

It was clear in the moon light

Her chest taking its last breath

Her body depleted of all strength

She saw me watching from behind the tree

Her forlorn stare reaching out for me

Like a tired lion she rested her soul

Even eternal lives have their time to go

I saw her dead last night

Murdered by neglect

Over her wealth others would fight

Her lands a cause of conflicts

But she just lay, stripped of all pride

Her welcoming ways forgotten

Even when abused, she still smiled

But now her body lay rottenI saw a light last night I

t blinked at me through the nights' clouds

It showed me something I'd never seen

Her heart still beat inside

I ran miles last night

Fetched water to revive her

To bring her back to her lost mightS

he breathed again but to awake her will take time

©2007, Poets against war

The Dangers of a Single Story

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie of Nigeria, author of Half of a Yellow Sun, makes reference to the need for a TV channel for diverse stories of the people of Africa to enhance dignity and bring social awareness ~ the need for "a balance" of stories from Africa...
Stories to empower, heal and humanise.

This is why the project at "hillsidedigital" is so important.

"There is never a single story about any place....when we get that, we gain a kind of paradise"